
Elementary Forensics Team Homework (2024-25)

These materials are useful for the students to track their homework and their learning. The syllabus has the ‘tentative’ homework schedule as well as the lessons for each meeting. The student workbook serves as a “how to” guide and provides a step=by-step guide for most of the activities we do in the class. There are two sets of homework; about how to debate and about the debate topic. Both are due each week. ty!
Zoom Link: (pw: hmdc4n6)


SAT (7:30 PM to 9:30 PM) & SUN (9:00 AM to 11:00 AM) [Pacific Time]

Homework Due for Week 5 (September 21-22, 2024): Soon!
A. ResearchPlease do the following research assignments…
B. WritingPlease do the following writing assignments… 
C. Speaking: Please do the following speaking assignments…

Homework Due for Week 4 (September 14-15, 2024):
A. ResearchPlease do the following research assignments…
 1.) Complete the “required research” for Increasing US Border Surveillance.
Note: Here is a copy of my T-Chart, but it doesn’t have any sources: [T-Chart (Border Surveillance)].
IMPORTANT: Please read the research page I created using Perplexity [Click Here].
B. WritingPlease do the following writing assignments… 
 1.) Update your “T-Chart” for the “Border Surveillance” topic to include the source information (publication name & date).
 2a.) [First Speakers] Write (or update) two arguments for each side (each argument should have 2 evidence +source info).
 2b.) [Second Speakers] Write rebuttals vs each of your own arguments (each rebuttal outline should have 2-3 evidence +source info).
 3.) [Grades 2-4] You do not have to write arguments/rebuttals for this topic. Instead please practice reading from the sample outlines.
C. Speaking: Please do the following speaking assignments…
 1.) Practice speaking crossfires from the T-Charts about “Border Surveillance”.
 2.) Practice speaking your arguments for both sides (with a simple Introduction).
 3.) Practice speaking from each of the sample outlines that will be shared with you this week.
IMPORTANT: All grades should practice reading from the sample outlines to help with the learning (* preparation).

Homework Due for Week 3 (September 7-8, 2024):
A. ResearchPlease do the following research assignments…
 1.) Complete the “required research” for Increasing US Border Surveillance.
Note: Here is a copy of my T-Chart, but it doesn’t have any sources: [T-Chart (Border Surveillance)].
B. WritingPlease do the following writing assignments… 
 1.) Update your “T-Chart” for the “Border Surveillance” topic to include the source information (publication name & date).
 2.) Write (or update) one argument for each side (each argument should have 2 evidence +source info).
 3.) [Optional] Write a rebuttal outline vs each of your own arguments (each rebuttal outline should have 2-3 evidence +source info).
C. Speaking: Please do the following speaking assignments…
 1.) Practice speaking crossfires from both your and my T-Charts about “Border Surveillance”.
 2.) Practice speaking your arguments for both sides (with a simple Introduction).
 3.) Practice speaking from each of the sample outlines that will be shared with you this week.
Note: The sample outlines did not get created (yet) and they will be available for next week’s class (sorry for the delay).

Homework Due for (August 31- Sept 1, 2024): No Class (US Holiday)

Homework Due for Week 2 (August 24-25, 2024):
A. ResearchPlease do the following research assignments…
 1.) Start the “required research” for Increasing US Border Surveillance.
B. WritingPlease do the following writing assignments… 
 1.) [Optional] start writing a “T-Chart” for the “Border Surveillance” topic to include the source information (publication name & date).
Note: Here is a copy of my T-Chart, but it doesn’t have any sources: [T-Chart (Border Surveillance)].
C. Speaking: Please do the following speaking assignments…
 1.) Practice speaking from the T-Chart about “Border Surveillance”.

Homework Due for Week 1 (August 17-18, 2024):
A. ResearchPlease do the following research assignments…
 1.) Start the “required research” for Increasing US Border Surveillance.
B. WritingPlease do the following writing assignments… 
 1.) [Optional] start writing a “T-Chart” for the “Border Surveillance” topic to include the source information (publication name & date).
Note: Here is a copy of my T-Chart, but it doesn’t have any sources: [T-Chart (Border Surveillance)].
C. Speaking: Please do the following speaking assignments…
 1.) Practice speaking from the T-Chart about “Border Surveillance”.

Contact Information:

Bill Eddy (aka Coach Bill),
714.655.8135 (I prefer text)

WeChat: Wxid_powf8axrfb4e22 (Bill Eddy)

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