Abolishing P5 Status

Sept.-Oct. 2024: US Border Surveillance

Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially expand its “surveillance infrastructure” along its southern border.
If one of the Permanent Members (P5) votes "no," it's called a Veto!


The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has five permanent members: China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. These countries have special powers, like the ability to say no to decisions they don’t like (this is called a veto). Some people think this system is old and unfair because it doesn’t represent all the countries in the world. They want to change the rules so that no country has these special powers. Others believe that the permanent members help keep things stable and provide important resources. They think that if these special powers are taken away, the council might not work as well. Here is a document to help you create some pros and cons. Please read (and study from) the [Essay1], [Essay2], and the [T-chart]

Abolishing UNSC P5 Status (PRO)​

Abolishing permanent member status could lead to a more equitable representation of countries in the UNSC. This change could reduce the dominance of the current permanent members and allow for a rotation of countries, providing a fairer opportunity for all member states to influence global decisions.

Removing permanent member status could enhance the legitimacy of the UNSC by making it more representative of the global community. A council that reflects the diversity of its members is likely to gain greater acceptance and support for its resolutions.

Eliminating the veto power of permanent members could reduce instances of deadlock within the UNSC. Without the ability to unilaterally block resolutions, the council might be able to act more swiftly and decisively in response to global crises.

Abolishing UNSC P5 Status (CON)​

The permanent members provide stability and continuity to the UNSC. Removing permanent member status could lead to frequent changes in the council’s composition, potentially undermining its stability. Permanent members may choose to leave the council and form rival organizations.

The permanent members often have the resources and influence necessary to implement UNSC decisions. Without the backing of these powerful countries, the council might struggle to enforce its resolutions effectively resulting in less support.

The permanent members represent key regions and powers in the world. Abolishing their status could diminish the UNSC’s global reach and its ability to address issues in various parts of the world. The P5 members may become less inclined to help the UN.


Please watch all of the required videos (& take notes) before arriving at the first forensics team meeting.
“WeTransfer” link for the videos & articles (will expire March 2025): [Videos & Articles].

Required Research (Videos):

[VideoWhat the UN’s Role in Global Peace?  | The UN Explained,
United Nations (Explained), September 17, 2022 [5 min]

[VideoCan War be Stopped Before it Begins? | The UN Explained,

United Nations (Explained), August 1, 2022 [3 min]
Note: Please read the short/brief article too.

[VideoCalls to reform UN Security Council after US vetoes Gaza ceasefire,
Al Jazeera, December 10, 2023 [2 min]

[VideoUN Security Council: To the Rescue! – International Relations Series,
Academy for Social Change, January 27, 2021 [4 min]
Note: Good information, yet the narrator is speaking really fast!

Required Research (Articles):

[Article/PDF] The United Nations At 75: It Has Never Been More Needed Nor Under Greater Threat, TIME Magazine, September 22, 2020

[Article/PDF] Decolonizing the UN Means Abolishing the Permanent Five,
Foreign Policy Magazine, September 17, 2020

[PDF] Pros and Cons of Security Council Reform,
Global Policy Forum, January 19, 2010

PRO & CON Articles (Optional):

[Article/PDF] There should be no permanent members of the UNSC,
Debatewise.org, August 15, 2011
Note: This will not sound like a credible source, but there are useful ideas.


Please consider watching/reading the following research areas in order to prepare for upcoming events.

Optional Research (Articles & Videos):

ADDITIONAL RESEARCH (Evidence & Outlines)

We provide students with some sample evidence and/or outlines to help them prepare for any upcoming events. This research can be copied word-for-word, or can be modified to fit the students needs. Copying these and other outlines is proper (it’s not cheating). I hope they are useful for you.

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