US Capitol (50%)

Elementary Model Congress Research (2024-25)

This is the page listing the reading and viewing assigned to students are part of the learning process. We are always learning two sets of things each week, which is the class content (on pages like this) and also the research (on the weekly research pages). 


[Understanding the US Government (Week 8)]
Here is a link to Download the videos [NA!]
Why Two Parties Dominate American Politics | America 101,
ABC News, September 21, 2016 [2 min]
[Optional] History Two-Party Democratic-Republican System Explained,
Illustrate to Educate, August 25, 2022 [6 min]

What Is the Legislative Branch of the U.S. Government?,
History Channel, January 29, 2018 [4+ min]

AP Government (4.3): Congressional Committees,
Carey LaManna, AP Teacher, October 14, 2015 (9 min)
Note: This video is not ‘friendly’ for younger students (please try to understand). tyvm!
[Understanding the US Government (Week 7)]
Here is a link to Download the videos [NA!]
None for this week.
[Understanding the US Government (Week 6)]
Here is a link to Download the videos [NA!]
None for this week.
[Understanding the US Government (Week 5)]
Here is a link to Download the videos [WeTransfer]
Western Albemarle High School (WAHS) Students Hold Model Congress,
Albemarle County Public Schools (News), March 21, 2023 [ 5 min]

[Optional] Model Congress: Western Albemarle High School (WAHS),
Trevor Przyuski, Teacher, Student Government, April 24, 2013 [10 min]
Note: This video goes a little more in-depth than the shorter video (very interesting).

How to Write A Bill,
YMCA (Washington DC), March 5, 2012 [6 min]

[Understanding the US Government (Week 4)]
Here is a link to Download the videos [NA!]
None for this week.
[Understanding the US Government (Week 3)]
Here is a link to Download the videos [WeTransfer]

Robert’s Rules of Order,

Henry Martyn Robert, 1876
[Video Link = Later!] = postponed to week 4!

[Understanding the US Government (Week 2)]
Here is a link to Download the videos [WeTransfer]

Preamble of The Constitution (Schoolhouse Rock),
US Chronicle, September 30, 2012 [3 min]
Note: These videos were actually made in the 1970s!

First Amendment Explained,
Duke University, May 25, 2021 [3 min]

3-minute Guide to the Bill of Rights,
TED-Ed, October 30, 2012 [3+ min]

[Understanding the US Government (Week 1)]
Here is a link to Download the videos [WeTransfer]
How is power divided in the United States government?,

TED-Ed, April 12, 2013 [4 min]

What Is the Legislative Branch of the U.S. Government?,
History Channel, January 29, 2018 [4+ min]

What Is the Executive Branch of the U.S. Government?,
History Channel, January 29, 2018 [3+ min]

What Is the Judicial Branch of the U.S. Government?,
History Channel, January 29, 2018 [3 min]

I’m Just a Bill (Schoolhouse Rock),
Schoolhouse Rock, August 18, 2014 [3 min]
Note: These videos were actually made in the 1970s!

Contact Information:

Bill Eddy (aka Coach Bill),
714.655.8135 (I prefer text)

WeChat: Wxid_powf8axrfb4e22 (Bill Eddy)

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