US-EU Trade Agreement

May 2024: US-EU Trade Agreement

Resolved: The United States should establish a comprehensive bilateral trade agreement with the European Union. .
The European Union and the United States are each other's largest trade and investment partners. Together, they account for about one-third of the world’s trade in goods and services and nearly half of global economic output.


The proposition of the United States establishing a comprehensive bilateral trade agreement with the European Union is rooted in the deep economic ties and extensive trade history between these two economic powerhouses. Such an agreement aims to eliminate trade barriers, harmonize regulations, and enhance economic growth on both sides of the Atlantic. Proponents argue that it could lead to increased job creation, lower consumer prices, and stronger political and economic alliances. However, critics warn of potential downsides such as job losses in vulnerable industries, erosion of local standards and regulations, and increased corporate influence over government policies. Balancing these aspects is crucial in assessing whether such a trade pact would be beneficial or detrimental to both parties.

US-EU Trade Agreement (PRO)

US-EU Trade Agreement (CON)


Please watch all of the required videos (& take notes) before arriving at the first forensics team meeting.
“WeTransfer” link for the videos & articles (will expire in 2025): [WeTransfer (Possibly Later)].

Required Research (Videos):

International Trade Explained | World101,
CFR Education, June 18, 2019 [7 min]

All about trade agreements,
European Parliament, April 9, 2015 [3 min]

EU-US Trade: A balanced relationship,
Vision Communication, September 9, 2019 [2 min]

Obama calls for US-EU free trade agreement,
Euractiv, February 13, 2013 [2 min]

Tensions hang over EU, U.S. trade discussions,
CNBC Television, December 5, 2022 [3 min]

Required Research (Articles):

Bilateral Trading,
Carbon Collective, Last Updated: May 13, 2024

Bilateral Trade Definition and Pros & Cons of Agreements,
Investopedia, Last Updated: December 21, 2020

Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) Overview,
Investopedia, Last Updated: September 30, 2022

U.S.-EU Trade and Economic Relations,
Congressional Research Service, Last Updated: June 9, 2023

Market Challenges,
International Trade Administration, February 3, 2024


Please consider watching/reading the following research areas in order to prepare for upcoming events.

Optional Research (Articles & Videos)

[OPTIONAL] What global trade deals are really about (hint: it’s not trade),
Haley Edwards, TEDx Mid-Atlantic, May 17, 2017 [11 min]

[OPTIONAL] USMCA vs NAFTA, explained with a toy car,
Vox, October 30, 2018 [7 min]

What is bilateral trade?,
Amazon Global Selling, November 14, 2023

EU-US Trade and Technology Council,
European Commission (EU),
IMPORTANT: This is going to be incredibly valuable toward understanding the context of US-EU Bilateral Trade (TTC).

ADDITIONAL RESEARCH (Evidence & Outlines)

We provide students with some sample evidence and/or outlines to help them prepare for any upcoming events. This research can be copied word-for-word, or can be modified to fit the students needs. Copying these and other outlines is proper (it’s not cheating). I hope they are useful for you.

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