Elementary Debate Class (Summer 2024)
These materials are useful for the students to track their homework and their learning. The syllabus has the ‘tentative’ homework schedule as well as the lessons for each meeting. The student workbook serves as a “how to” guide and provides a step=by-step guide for most of the activities we do in the class.
HOMEWORK: There are two sets of homework for each week; about debating and about the debate topic. Both sets are due each week. ty!
[Training/Explainer Videos]
Download Explainers… WeTransfer (ALL)
Week 2 (Topic): Using Geoengineering
[Research], [T-Chart], [Arguments], [Rebuttals]. [Rejoinders], & [Voting Issues].
[Zoom Information]
Please click here… Zoom Link
Week 3 (Topic): Switching to Renewable Energy
[Research], [T-Chart], [Arguments], [Rebuttals]. [Rejoinders], & [Voting Issues].
Debate Class Homework (Grades 1-3):
Class Meeting Days/Times…
[Pacific Time (US/Canada)] Sun-Wed, 5pm to 7pm & 7:30pm to 9:30pm.
[Pacific Time (US/Canada)] Sun-Wed, 8pm to 10pm & 10:30pm to 12:30am.
[China/HK Time] Mon-Thu, 8am to 10am & 10:30am to 12:30pm.
Homework that is due on Day 14 (Tuesday in China)…
1.) Please make sure you watched the “Judging/Feedback (Video)“.
2.) Practice your speaking for “Geoengineering”:
[T-Chart (Geo~)], [Arguments], [Rebuttals]. [Rejoinders], & [Voting Issues].
3.) Practice your speaking for “Renewable Energy”:
[T-Chart (Ren~)], [Arguments], [Rebuttals]. [Rejoinders], & [Voting Issues].
Homework that is due on Day 13 (Monday in China)…
1.) Please make sure you watched the “Judging/Feedback (Video)“.
2.) Practice your speaking for “Geoengineering”:
[T-Chart (Geo~)], [Arguments], [Rebuttals]. [Rejoinders], & [Voting Issues].
3.) Practice your speaking for “Renewable Energy”:
[T-Chart (Ren~)], [Arguments], [Rebuttals]. [Rejoinders], & [Voting Issues].
[5:00 PM Class] TOP TEAMS (& SPEAKERS):
Finals = Anna W. & Boen W. (PRO) vs. Suri Z. & Leon Z. (CON).
Winners: Suri Z. & Leon Z. (Class Champions)
Top Speakers: Boen W. (1st), Anna W. (2nd), Leon Z. (3rd), & Suri Z. (3rd).
TEAMS FOR NEXT WEEK (7:30 PM – Pacific):
Team-01: Joey & Jankin
Team-02: Nova & Yanfei
Team-03: Ethan & Elina
Team-04: Sarah & ???*
*I don’t know who will be her partner.
Debate Class Homework (Grades 4-6):
Class Meeting Days/Times…
[Pacific Time (US/Canada)] Sun-Wed, 5pm to 7pm & 7:30pm to 9:30pm.
[Pacific Time (US/Canada)] Sun-Wed, 8pm to 10pm & 10:30pm to 12:30am.
[China/HK Time] Mon-Thu, 8am to 10am & 10:30am to 12:30pm.
Homework that is due on Day 14 (Tuesday in China)…
1.) Please make sure you watched the “Judging/Feedback (Video)“.
2.) Practice your speaking for “Geoengineering”:
[T-Chart (Geo~)], [Arguments], [Rebuttals]. [Rejoinders], & [Voting Issues].
3.) Practice your speaking for “Renewable Energy”:
[T-Chart (Ren~)], [Arguments], [Rebuttals]. [Rejoinders], & [Voting Issues].
Homework that is due on Day 13 (Monday in China)…
1.) Please make sure you watched the “Judging/Feedback (Video)“.
2.) Practice your speaking for “Geoengineering”:
[T-Chart (Geo~)], [Arguments], [Rebuttals]. [Rejoinders], & [Voting Issues].
3.) Practice your speaking for “Renewable Energy”:
[T-Chart (Ren~)], [Arguments], [Rebuttals]. [Rejoinders], & [Voting Issues].
[5:00 PM Class] TOP TEAMS (& SPEAKERS):
Finals = Bill K. & Peize W. (PRO) vs. Catherine L. & Amy Z. (CON).
Winners: Bill K. & Peize W. (Class Champions)
Top Speakers: Amy Z. (1st), Catherine L. (2nd), & Peize W. (2nd).
TEAMS FOR NEXT WEEK (7:30 PM – Pacific):
Team-01: Joey & Jankin
Team-02: Nova & Yanfei
Team-03: Ethan & Elina
Team-04: Sarah & Abbie**
**I do not yet know which class she will attend.
Homework that was due on Day 1 (Monday in China)…
1. [Researching] Please do the required research for the “Exotic Pets” topic.
2. [Reading] Please read the “Essay” from the email (Click Here).
3. [Watching] Please watch the video about “Public Forum Debate“.
Homework that was due on Day 2 (Tuesday in China)…
A. Researching: Please do the following research assignments…
1. Please do the “required research” for the “Exotic Pets” topic.
Note: Click on the “Research” link and then read/view the materials.
2. Learn about the “Three Debate Burdens”.[Explainer Video].
3. [Optional] Learn about “Crossfires” in debate. [Explainer Video].
B. Writing: Please do the following research assignments…
1. List some pros and cons of “Exotic Pets” (T-Chart). [Explainer Video].
Note: Try to list around five (5+) different ideas for each side. [Topic Essay].
C. Speaking: Please do the following speaking assignments…
1. Practice speaking your pros and cons as confident (dramatic) statements.
2. [Optional] Practice asking your pros and cons as if they were “crossfires”.
Homework that was due on Day 3 (Wednesday in China)…
A. Researching: Please do the following research assignments…
1. Please complete the “required research” for the “Exotic Pets” topic.
2. Learn about “Crossfires” in debate. [Explainer Video].
3. Learn about “Writing Arguments” [Handout (pp. 3-4)], & [Explainer Video].
B. Writing: Please do the following research assignments…
1. Update your list of pros/cons about “Exotic Pets”. [Sample T-Chart].
C. Speaking: Please do the following speaking assignments…
1. Practice speaking pros and cons as crossfire questions/answers! 🙂
2. Practice speaking from the sample arguments [Handout (pg. 4)].
Homework that was due on Day 4 (Thursday in China)…
A. Researching: Please do the following research assignments…
1. Please complete the “required research” for the “Exotic Pets” topic.
2. Learn about “Making Arguments” [Handout (pp. 3-4)], & [Explainer Video].
3. Learn about “Making Speeches” [Explainer Video].
B. Writing: Please do the following research assignments…
1. Update your list of pros/cons about “Exotic Pets”. [Sample T-Chart].
2. [Optional] Write an argument for both sides (using t-chart and outlines).
Note: Grades 1-3 focus on their speaking and grades 4-6 can try the writing.
C. Speaking: Please do the following speaking assignments…
1. Practice speaking pros and cons as crossfire questions/answers! 🙂
2. Practice speaking from the sample arguments [Handout (pg. 4)].
3. [Optional] Practice speaking from your own arguments.
Homework that was due on Day 5 (Monday in China)…
A. Researching: Please do the following research assignments…
1. Please do the “required research” for the new “Geoengineering” topic.
2. Watch each of the “Explainer” videos (take light notes)… [Click Here].
Note: If you can’t watch videos online, then download... [WeTransfer (Videos)].
3. Read the “Debate Handout” (take light notes)… [Handout (pp. 1-6)].
B. Writing: Please do the following research assignments…
1. [Optional] Update your T-Chart about “Exotic Pets”. [T-Chart (Sample)].
2. Write a T-Chart about “Geoengineering”. [T-Chart (Sample)].
3. [Optional] Write an argument outline or rebuttal outline (for the new topic).
C. Speaking: Please do the following speaking assignments…
1. Practice speaking pros and cons for exotic pets as crossfires! 🙂
2. Practice speaking from the sample outlines (for exotic pets)…
Note: Please print/practice… [Arguments (Sample)] & [Rebuttals (Sample)].
3. [Optional] Practice speaking from your own arguments/rebuttals.
Homework that was due on Day 6 (Tuesday in China)…
A. Researching: Please do the following research assignments…
1. Please finish the “required research” about “Geoengineering“.
2. Watch each of the “Explainer” videos (notes = optional)… [Click Here].
Note: If you can’t watch videos online, then download... [WeTransfer (Videos)].
B. Writing: Please do the following research assignments…
1. Write/Update your T-Chart about “Geoengineering”. [T-Chart (Sample)].
2. [Optional] Write an argument outline or rebuttal outline (for the new topic).
C. Speaking: Please do the following speaking assignments…
1. Practice speaking from your t-chart to share ideas about geoengineering.
2. Practice speaking some facts/ideas as if they were crossfires (T-charts!).
Here is the link to the “Crossfires” Video (or WeTransfer):
Homework that was due on Day 7 (Wednesday in China)…
A. Researching: Please do the following research assignments…
1. Please finish the “required research” about “Geoengineering“.
2. Watch the explainer video 4b. about “Writing Arguments”… [Videos].
3. Watch the explainer video 5. about “Modes of Persuasion”… [Videos].
Note: If you can’t watch videos online, then download... [WeTransfer (Videos)].
B. Writing: Please do the following research assignments…
1. Update your T-Chart about “Geoengineering”. [T-Chart (Sample)].
2. [Optional] Write an argument about geoengineering. [Argument (sample)].
Note: Feel free to copy from the sample, but also try to write one on your own.
C. Speaking: Please do the following speaking assignments…
1. Practice speaking our facts (from t-charts) to improve our crossfires.
2. Practice speaking the arguments from the argument outlines we created.
Here is the link to the “Speeches” Video (or WeTransfer):
Homework that was due on Day 8 (Thursday in China)…
A. Researching: Please do the following research assignments…
1. Please finish the “required research” about “Geoengineering“.
2. Watch the explainer video 7. about “Making Rebuttals”… [Videos].
3. [Optional] Watch the explainer video about “Judging/Feedback”… [Videos].
Note: If you can’t watch videos online, then download... [WeTransfer (Videos)].
B. Writing: Please do the following research assignments…
1. Update your T-Chart about “Geoengineering”. [T-Chart (New!)].
2. Pls try to update arguments by adding 1 more evidence (do your best).
3. [Optional] Write rebuttals vs each of the arguments (w/1-2 evidence).
Note: Here are sample arguments to revise/practice… [Arguments (New!)].
Note: Here are sample rebuttals to revise/practice… [Rebuttals (New!)].
C. Speaking: Please do the following speaking assignments…
1. Practice speaking to improve our crossfires.
2. Practice speaking the arguments from the argument outlines we created.
3. Practice speaking from the rebuttal outlines we created.
Homework that was due on Day 9 (Monday in China)…
A. Researching: Please do the following research assignments…
1. Please complete the “required research” about “Renewable Energy“.
2. Watch the remaining “Explainer Videos”… [Videos].
Note: Focus on the ones about “Making Rejoinders” and “Voting Issues”.
Important: Please make sure you watched the “Judging/Feedback” video.
B. Writing: Please do the following research assignments…
1. Create a T-Chart about “Renewable Energy”. [T-Chart (Sample)].
2. [Optional] Try writing one or two arguments about “Renewable Energy”.
Note: Copying ideas from me is allowed, please try to find a few of your own.
C. Speaking: Please do the following speaking assignments…
1. Practice speaking your facts about “Renewable Energy”.
2. Practice speaking your facts/speeches about “Geoengineering”.
3. Practice your crossfires to prepare for the debates about Geoengineering.
Homework that was due on Day 10 (Tuesday in China)…
A. Researching: Please do the following research assignments…
1. Please complete the “required research” about “Renewable Energy“.
2. Watch the “Explainer” video about Rejoinders… [Rejoinders (Video)].
3. Watch the “Explainer” video about Voting Issues… [Voting Issues (Video)].
B. Writing: Please do the following research assignments…
1. Update your T-Chart about “Renewable Energy”. [T-Chart (Sample)].
2. Write “Rejoinders” defending one of the arguments about Geoengineering.
Note: Here are the rebuttals, the example from class, and sample rejoinders.
3. [Optional] Try writing one or two voting issues about “Geoengineering”.
Note: Here are some outlines… examples from class & sample voting issues.
C. Speaking: Please do the following speaking assignments…
1. Practice speaking your “Feedback” from being a judge. [Judging (Video)].
2. Practice speaking/sharing your facts about “Renewable Energy”.
3. Practice ALL speeches/crossfires for the debate on Geoengineering.
Homework that was due on Day 11 (Wednesday in China)…
A. Researching: Please do the following research assignments…
1. Please complete the required research about “Renewable Energy“.
B. Writing: Please do the following research assignments…
1. Update your T-Chart about “Renewable Energy”. [T-Chart (Sample)].
2. [Optional] Write rejoinders for one argument about renewable energy.
Note: Here are the sample rebuttals about renewable energy. [Rebuttals].
3. [Optional] Write voting issues for one argument about renewable energy.
Note: Here are the sample arguments about renewable energy. [Arguments].
C. Speaking: Please do the following speaking assignments…
1. Practice speaking the rejoinders and voting issues for “Geoengineering”.
2. Practice speaking the arguments and rebuttals for “Renewable Energy”.
3. Practice speaking your T-chart facts as crossfires for “Renewable Energy”.
Homework that is due on Day 12 (Thursday in China)…
A. Researching: Please do the following research assignments…
1. Please watch the explainer video about “Judging/Feedback”. [Video].
IMPORTANT: Please take notes and be ready to discuss it in class.
B. Writing: Please do the following research assignments…
1. [Optional] Update your T-Chart on “Geoengineering”. [T-Chart (Geo-Eng~)].
2. [Optional] Update your T-Chart on “Renewable Energy”. [T-Chart (Renew~)].
3. [Optional] Update your arguments and/or rebuttals for both topics.
C. Speaking: Please do the following speaking assignments…
1. Practice speaking all of the speech outlines for “Geoengineering”.
Sample Outlines: [Arguments], [Rebuttals]. [Rejoinders], & [Voting Issues].
2. Practice speaking all of the speech outlines for “Renewable Energy”.
Sample Outlines: [Arguments], [Rebuttals]. [Rejoinders], & [Voting Issues].
3. Practice speaking crossfires (using T-Charts) for both topics.
T-Charts: [T-Chart (Geoengineering)] & [T-chart (Renewable Energy)].
Homework that was due on Day 1 (Monday in China)…
1. [Researching] Please do the required research for the “Exotic Pets” topic.
2. [Reading] Please read the “Essay” from the email (Click Here).
3. [Watching] Please watch the video about “Public Forum Debate“.
Homework that was due on Day 2 (Tuesday in China)…
A. Researching: Please do the following research assignments…
1. Please do the “required research” for the “Exotic Pets” topic.
Note: Click on the “Research” link and then read/view the materials.
2. Learn about the “Three Debate Burdens”.[Explainer Video].
3. Learn about “Crossfires” in debate. [Explainer Video].
B. Writing: Please do the following research assignments…
1. List some pros and cons about “Exotic Pets” (T-Chart). [Explainer Video].
Note: Please list at least five (5+) different ideas for each side. [Topic Essay].
C. Speaking: Please do the following speaking assignments…
1. Practice speaking your pros and cons as confident (dramatic) statements.
2. Practice asking your pros and cons as if they were “crossfires”.
Homework that was due on Day 3 (Wednesday in China)…
A. Researching: Please do the following research assignments…
1. Please complete the “required research” for the “Exotic Pets” topic.
2. Learn about “Crossfires” in debate. [Explainer Video].
3. Learn about “Writing Arguments” [Handout (pp. 3-4)], & [Explainer Video].
B. Writing: Please do the following research assignments…
1. Update your list of pros/cons about “Exotic Pets”. [Sample T-Chart].
C. Speaking: Please do the following speaking assignments…
1. Practice speaking pros and cons as crossfire questions/answers! 🙂
2. Practice speaking from the sample arguments [Handout (pg. 4)].
Homework that was due on Day 4 (Thursday in China)…
A. Researching: Please do the following research assignments…
1. Please complete the “required research” for the “Exotic Pets” topic.
2. Learn about “Making Arguments” [Handout (pp. 3-4)], & [Explainer Video].
3. Learn about “Making Speeches” [Explainer Video].
B. Writing: Please do the following research assignments…
1. Update your list of pros/cons about “Exotic Pets”. [Sample T-Chart].
2. Try to write an argument for each side (using t-chart and outlines).
Note: Grades 1-3 focus on their speaking and grades 4-6 can try the writing.
C. Speaking: Please do the following speaking assignments…
1. Practice speaking pros and cons as crossfire questions/answers! 🙂
2. Practice speaking from the sample arguments [Handout (pg. 4)].
3. [Optional] Practice speaking from your own arguments.
Homework that was due on Day 5 (Monday in China)…
A. Researching: Please do the following research assignments…
1. Please do the “required research” for the new “Geoengineering” topic.
2. Watch each of the “Explainer” videos (take light notes)… [Click Here].
Note: If you can’t watch videos online, then download... [WeTransfer (Videos)].
3. Read the “Debate Handout” (take light notes)… [Handout (pp. 1-6)].
B. Writing: Please do the following research assignments…
1. [Optional] Update your T-Chart about “Exotic Pets”. [T-Chart (Sample)].
2. Write a T-Chart about “Geoengineering”. [T-Chart (Sample)].
3. [Optional] Write an argument outline or rebuttal outline (for the new topic).
C. Speaking: Please do the following speaking assignments…
1. Practice speaking pros and cons for exotic pets as crossfires! 🙂
2. Practice speaking from the sample outlines (for exotic pets)…
Note: Please print/practice… [Arguments (Sample)] & [Rebuttals (Sample)].
3. [Optional] Practice speaking from your own arguments/rebuttals.
Homework that was due on Day 6 (Tuesday in China)…
A. Researching: Please do the following research assignments…
1. Please finish the “required research” about “Geoengineering“.
2. Watch each of the “Explainer” videos (notes = optional)… [Click Here].
Note: If you can’t watch videos online, then download... [WeTransfer (Videos)].
B. Writing: Please do the following research assignments…
1. Write/Update your T-Chart about “Geoengineering”. [T-Chart (Sample)].
2. [Optional] Write an argument outline or rebuttal outline (for the new topic).
C. Speaking: Please do the following speaking assignments…
1. Practice speaking from your t-chart to share ideas about geoengineering.
2. Practice speaking some facts/ideas as if they were crossfires (T-charts!).
Here is the link to the “Crossfires” Video (or WeTransfer):
Homework that was due on Day 7 (Wednesday in China)…
A. Researching: Please do the following research assignments…
1. Please finish the “required research” about “Geoengineering“.
2. Watch the explainer video 4b. about “Writing Arguments”… [Videos].
3. Watch the explainer video 5. about “Modes of Persuasion”… [Videos].
Note: If you can’t watch videos online, then download... [WeTransfer (Videos)].
B. Writing: Please do the following research assignments…
1. Update your T-Chart about “Geoengineering”. [T-Chart (Sample)].
2. [Optional] Write an argument about geoengineering. [Argument (sample)].
Note: Feel free to copy from the sample, but also try to write one on your own.
C. Speaking: Please do the following speaking assignments…
1. Practice speaking our facts (from t-charts) to improve our crossfires.
2. Practice speaking the arguments from the argument outlines we created.
Here is the link to the “Speeches” Video (or WeTransfer):
Homework that was due on Day 8 (Thursday in China)…
A. Researching: Please do the following research assignments…
1. Please finish the “required research” about “Geoengineering“.
2. Watch the explainer video 7. about “Making Rebuttals”… [Videos].
3. [Optional] Watch the explainer video about “Judging/Feedback”… [Videos].
Note: If you can’t watch videos online, then download... [WeTransfer (Videos)].
B. Writing: Please do the following research assignments…
1. Update your T-Chart about “Geoengineering”. [T-Chart (New!)].
2. Pls try to update arguments by adding 1 more evidence (do your best).
3. [Optional] Write rebuttals vs each of the arguments (w/1-2 evidence).
Note: Here are sample arguments to revise/practice… [Arguments (New!)].
Note: Here are sample rebuttals to revise/practice… [Rebuttals (New!)].
C. Speaking: Please do the following speaking assignments…
1. Practice speaking to improve our crossfires.
2. Practice speaking the arguments from the argument outlines we created.
3. Practice speaking from the rebuttal outlines we created.
Homework that was due on Day 9 (Monday in China)…
A. Researching: Please do the following research assignments…
1. Please complete the “required research” about “Renewable Energy“.
2. Watch the remaining “Explainer Videos”… [Videos].
Note: Focus on the ones about “Making Rejoinders” and “Voting Issues”.
Important: Please make sure you watched the “Judging/Feedback” video.
B. Writing: Please do the following research assignments…
1. Create a T-Chart about “Renewable Energy”. [T-Chart (Sample)].
2. [Optional] Try writing two arguments per side about “Renewable Energy”.
Note: Copying ideas from me is allowed, please try to find a few of your own.
C. Speaking: Please do the following speaking assignments…
1. Practice speaking your facts about “Renewable Energy”.
2. Practice speaking your facts/speeches about “Geoengineering”.
3. Practice your crossfires to prepare for the debates about Geoengineering.
Homework that was due on Day 10 (Tuesday in China)…
A. Researching: Please do the following research assignments…
1. Please complete the “required research” about “Renewable Energy“.
2. Watch the “Explainer” video about Rejoinders… [Rejoinders (Video)].
3. Watch the “Explainer” video about Voting Issues… [Voting Issues (Video)].
B. Writing: Please do the following research assignments…
1. Update your T-Chart about “Renewable Energy”. [T-Chart (Sample)].
2. Write “Rejoinders” defending one of the arguments about Geoengineering.
Note: Here are the rebuttals, the example from class, and sample rejoinders.
3. [Optional] Try writing one or two voting issues about “Geoengineering”.
Note: Here are some outlines… examples from class & sample voting issues.
C. Speaking: Please do the following speaking assignments…
1. Practice speaking your “Feedback” from being a judge. [Judging (Video)].
2. Practice speaking/sharing your facts about “Renewable Energy”.
3. Practice ALL speeches/crossfires for the debate on Geoengineering.
Homework that was due on Day 11 (Wednesday in China)…
A. Researching: Please do the following research assignments…
1. Please complete the required research about “Renewable Energy“.
B. Writing: Please do the following research assignments…
1. Update your T-Chart about “Renewable Energy”. [T-Chart (Sample)].
2. [Try] Write rejoinders for one argument about renewable energy.
Note: Here are the sample rebuttals about renewable energy. [Rebuttals].
3. [Try] Write voting issues for one argument about renewable energy.
Note: Here are the sample arguments about renewable energy. [Arguments].
C. Speaking: Please do the following speaking assignments…
1. Practice speaking the rejoinders and voting issues for “Geoengineering”.
2. Practice speaking the arguments and rebuttals for “Renewable Energy”.
3. Practice speaking your T-chart facts as crossfires for “Renewable Energy”.
Homework that is due on Day 12 (Thursday in China)…
A. Researching: Please do the following research assignments…
1. Please watch the explainer video about “Judging/Feedback”. [Video].
IMPORTANT: Please take notes and be ready to discuss it in class.
B. Writing: Please do the following research assignments…
1. [Optional] Update your T-Chart on “Geoengineering”. [T-Chart (Geo-Eng~)].
2. [Optional] Update your T-Chart on “Renewable Energy”. [T-Chart (Renew~)].
3. [Optional] Update your arguments and/or rebuttals for both topics.
C. Speaking: Please do the following speaking assignments…
1. Practice speaking all of the speech outlines for “Geoengineering”.
Sample Outlines: [Arguments], [Rebuttals]. [Rejoinders], & [Voting Issues].
2. Practice speaking all of the speech outlines for “Renewable Energy”.
Sample Outlines: [Arguments], [Rebuttals]. [Rejoinders], & [Voting Issues].
3. Practice speaking crossfires (using T-Charts) for both topics.
T-Charts: [T-Chart (Geoengineering)] & [T-chart (Renewable Energy)].